Terms and conditions

This Document, through its content, makes available to third-party users the regulation regarding the terms and conditions of use of the Zehava website (zehava.ro).

The Zehava website (Zehava.ro) is operated by the company ZEHAVA JEWELRY SRL , with headquarters in Strada Stefan cel Mare, Block 7M, Roman, Neamț county, registered in the Trade Register with number J27/848/2009 . The use of the site (including access, navigation and purchase of products on this site) constitutes an implicit agreement to respect the terms and conditions stated in this document with all the effects and consequences arising from it.

The administrator of the Zehava website (Zehava.ro) reserves the right to modify the content of this agreement at any time, without prior notification to the people who use it, hereinafter referred to as "Users". Users will have permanent access to the terms and conditions of use of the services, to be able to consult them at any time.

The general terms and conditions will apply to all sales of goods and services made by Zehava Jewelry SRL , through the online store www.zehava.ro, to users.
We recommend that you carefully read all the terms and conditions before placing any order on the online store www.zehava.ro.

1. Definitions

Buyer: natural or legal person who places an Order.
Seller: SC Zehava Jewelry SRL , with registered office in Roman/Neamt, Stefan cel mare Bl M7, registration number at the Trade Registry J27/848/2009 , CUI 26256615 .
Goods: any product to be provided by the Seller to the Buyer.
Order: an electronic document that acts as a form of communication between the Seller and the Buyer through which the Seller agrees to deliver the Goods, and the Buyer agrees to receive these Goods and make payment for them.
Contract: an Order confirmed by the Seller.
Specifications: all the specifications and/or descriptions of the Goods as specified in the Order.
Website: the online store hosted at the web address zehava.ro and its subdomains
User: any natural person who is over 16 years of age or legal entity registered on the Site, who, by completing the Account creation process, has agreed to the site-specific clauses in the General Terms and Conditions section.
Document: Terms and Conditions
– all the information on the Site that can be visited, viewed or otherwise accessed by using an electronic device;
- the content of any e-mail sent to Buyers by the Seller by electronic means and/or any other means of communication available;
- any information communicated by any means by an employee/collaborator of the Seller, the Buyer, according to the contact information, specified or not by him;
- information related to the Goods and/or Services and/or the rates applied by the Seller in a certain period;
- information related to the Goods and/or Services and/or the rates charged by a third party with whom the Seller has concluded partnership contracts, during a certain period;
- data related to the Seller, or other privileged data of the Seller.

2. Contract documents

2.1. By registering an Order on the Site, the Buyer agrees to the form of communication (telephone or e-mail) through which the Seller carries out its commercial operations.
2.2. The notification received by the Buyer, after placing the Order, has the role of information and does not represent the acceptance of the Order. This notification is made electronically (e-mail) or by telephone.
2.3. For justified reasons, the Seller reserves the right to change the quantity of Goods and/or Services in the Order. If he changes the amount of Goods and/or Services in the Order, he will notify the Buyer at the e-mail address or phone number provided to the Seller when placing the Order and will return the amount paid.
2.4. The contract is considered concluded between the Seller and the Buyer at the moment the Buyer receives from the Seller, via e-mail and/or SMS, the notification of dispatch of the Order.
2.5. The document and information made available by the Seller on the Site will form the basis of the Contract, supplemented by the warranty certificate issued by the Seller or one of its suppliers for the purchased Goods.

3. Online sales policy

3.1. Access to place an Order is allowed to any User/Buyer.
3.2. Communication with the Seller can be done through direct interaction with him or through the addresses mentioned in the "contact" section of the Site. The seller has the freedom to manage the information received without having to provide justifications for this.
3.3. The Seller may publish on the Site information about Goods and/or Services and/or promotions practiced by him or by any other third party with whom the Seller has concluded partnership contracts, within a certain period of time and within the limit of available stock.
3.4. All prices related to the Goods and/or Services presented on the Site are expressed in RON (RON) and include VAT
3.5. In the case of online payments, the Seller is not/cannot be held responsible for any other additional costs borne by the Buyer, including but not limited to currency conversion fees applied by the card issuing bank, in the event that the currency of its issuance differs from RON. The Buyer is solely responsible for this action.
3.6. All the information used to describe the Goods and/or Services available on the Site (static / dynamic images / multimedia presentations / etc.) do not represent a contractual obligation on the part of the Seller, they are used exclusively for presentation purposes.

4. Subcontracting

4.1. The Seller can subcontract a third party for Services related to the fulfillment of the Order, with the Buyer's information, without his consent being necessary. The Seller will always be responsible to the Buyer for all contractual obligations.

5. Intellectual property right

5.1. The content, as defined in the preamble, including but not limited to logos, stylized representations, commercial symbols, static images, dynamic images, text and/or multimedia content presented on the Site, are the exclusive property of the Seller, who is All rights obtained in this regard directly or indirectly (through licenses for use and/or publication) are reserved.
5.2. The Customer/Buyer/User is not allowed to copy, distribute, publish, transfer to third parties, modify and/or otherwise alter, use, link to, display, include any Content in any other context than the original intended by the Seller, include any Content outside the Site, removal of signs signifying the Seller's copyright on the Content as well as participation in the transfer, sale, distribution of materials made by reproducing, modifying or displaying the Content, except with the express written consent of the Seller
5.3. Any Content to which the Client/Buyer/User has and/or obtains access by any means is subject to the Document, if the Content is not accompanied by a specific and valid usage agreement concluded between the Seller and him, and without any implied or express warranty from the Seller with reference to that Content.
5.4. The Client/Buyer/User may copy, transfer and/or use the Content only for personal or non-commercial purposes, only if they do not conflict with the provisions of the Document.
5.5. If the Seller grants the Customer/Buyer/User the right to use, in the form described in a separate user agreement, certain content, to which the Customer/Buyer/User has or obtains access following this agreement, this right extends only on that or those contents defined in the agreement, only during the existence of this or these contents on the site or the period defined in the agreement, according to the defined conditions, if they exist and do not represent a contractual commitment on the part of the Seller for the respective Client/ Buyer/User or any other third party who has/obtains access to this transferred content, by any means and who could be or is harmed in any way by this content, during or after the expiration of the user agreement.
5.6. No Content transmitted to the Client, User or Buyer, by any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.) or acquired by him by accessing, visiting and/or viewing does not constitute a contractual obligation on the part of the Seller and/or the employee/supplier of the Seller who mediated the transfer of Content, if it exists, in relation to that content.
5.7. Any use of the Content for purposes other than those expressly permitted by this Document or by the user agreement that accompanies it, if it exists, is prohibited.

6. Order

6.1. The Client/Buyer can place Orders on the Site, by adding the desired Goods and/or Services to the shopping cart, then completing the Order by making payment through one of the methods indicated. Once added to the shopping cart, a Good and/or a Service is available for purchase as long as there is stock available for it. Adding a Good/Service to the shopping cart, without completing the Order, does not result in the registration of an order, implicitly nor the automatic reservation of the Good/Service.
6.2. By completing the Order, the Buyer agrees that all the data provided by him, necessary for the purchase process, are correct, complete and true on the date of placing the Order.
6.3. By completing the Order, the Buyer agrees that the Seller can contact him, by any means available / agreed by the Seller, in any situation where it is necessary to contact the Buyer.
6.4. The Seller can cancel the Order made by the Buyer, following a prior notification addressed to the Buyer, without any subsequent obligation of either party to the other or without any party being able to claim damages from the other in the following cases:
6.4.1. non-acceptance by the issuing bank of the Buyer's card, of the transaction, in the case of online payment;
6.4.2. invalidation of the transaction by the card processor approved by the Seller, in the case of online payment;
6.4.3. the data provided by the Client/Buyer on the Site are incomplete and/or incorrect;
6.5. The buyer has the right to withdraw from the Contract, respectively to return a Good or to give up a Service, within 14 calendar days, citing a solid reason and bearing the delivery costs. Thus, according to GEO no. 34/2014, the period for returning a Good or giving up a Service expires within 14 days from:
- the day on which the Buyer takes physical possession of the last Good - if the Buyer orders multiple products in a single order that will be delivered separately
- the day on which the Buyer takes physical possession of the last Good or the last part - in the case of the delivery of a product that consists of several lots or parts
6.6. If the Buyer decides to withdraw from the Contract, he will be able to complete the online return form found at the address *if there is one*
6.7. If the Client/Buyer requests withdrawal from the Contract within the legal term of withdrawal from the contract, he must also return the original packaging together with the documents that accompanied the respective product. If the Order is paid, the Seller will reimburse the amount within a maximum of 30 (thirty) days from the date the Buyer informs the Seller of his decision to withdraw from the Contract. The amount will be returned as follows:
6.7.1. for Orders paid by bank card -> by refund to the account from which the payment was made;
6.7.2. for Orders paid with Op/reimbursement -> by bank transfer;
6.7.3. for Orders paid with cash in the showroom -> by returning cash in the showroom, by returning the value of the product to the bank account sent by the customer or by generating a voucher with the value of the returned product.
6.8. The Seller will be able to postpone the reimbursement of the amount until the receipt of the sold Goods or until the receipt of a proof according to which they have been shipped.
6.9. If the Good is returned in a damaged state (used packaging, missing documents), the Good is considered damaged and we reserve the right to request a fee for returning the Good to its initial state, as the case may be. We will reship the Good, the delivery costs being borne by the Buyer.

7. Data confidentiality

7.1. The seller will maintain the confidentiality of the information of any nature that you provide. The disclosure of the information provided will only be possible under the conditions mentioned in this Document. The data requested on this site are: name, first name, phone number, address (domicile/residence), email, company name, company identification data, head office address, delivery addresses, alternative email address, card data banking etc.
7.2. No public declaration, promotion, press release or any other way of disclosure to third parties will be made by the Buyer/Client regarding the Order/Contract without the prior written consent of the Seller.
In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) no. 679/2016 (Regulation), regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, we process personal data for legitimate purposes of advertising, marketing and publicity.
7.3. The processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with legal requirements and under conditions that ensure security, confidentiality, integrity, availability, transparency and respect for the rights of the persons concerned.
Our employees, who process personal data, have provided in the individual employment contract and in the "job description" an explicit confidentiality clause regarding the processing of personal data.
7.4. Users have guaranteed the right to information and access to the data being processed, the right to rectification, the right to restrict and the right to delete data, the right to data portability and the right not to be subject to an individual data processing decision personal. At the same time, users have the right to address the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing.
7.5. By submitting information or materials through this site, you grant the Seller unrestricted and irrevocable access to them, the right to use, reproduce, display, modify, transmit and distribute these materials or information. You also agree that the Seller may freely use, in his own interest, this information, ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques that you have sent to us through the Site.
7.6. We do not transfer personal data, except in the cases expressly provided by law and we store personal data for the period necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, respectively for compliance with the legal provisions in force. We use security methods and technologies, together with policies applied to employees and work procedures, including control, to protect the personal data collected according to the legal provisions in force, ensuring an appropriate level of security to reduce and eliminate the risks that may affect the processed personal data and, to maintain the ability to to ensure confidentiality, integrity, availability of processing systems and services.
7.8. The breach of data security will be communicated within the terms established by the Document, without undue delay, to all parties involved as indicated by the Document.
7.9. If he registers as a user and creates an account on the zehava.ro website, the User is directly responsible for the validity of the data he registers on the website, as well as for keeping secret the access password to his account created on www .zehava.ro. We inform you that you are directly responsible for the personal data entered and processed on our website, as we have no control, no way to verify the veracity of the data entered. In both situations, as a simple user who accepted by filling out the contact form to receive newsletters and other commercial messages from us, as in the case of creating a user account on the site, which he manages himself and uses with an ID and password, the user expressly agrees that his personal data will be registered in the Seller's database and kept for a period necessary for the purpose for which the personal data were communicated or until the user requests otherwise in writing. The seller has the right to remove a user from the database at any time or to close the account created by a user on www.zehava.ro without notifying the user beforehand.
7.10. The user has the right to use his personal data as he wishes on the Site and is directly and solely responsible for the case where he gives third parties access to his account, in this situation we are not in any way responsible for the security and confidentiality of personal data. In this case, the Seller assumes no responsibility for any consequences that may arise.
7.11. The user has the right to request changes to his personal data in our database, as well as to request complete removal from our database. In order for this to be possible, the user has the obligation to inform us by email at office@zehava.ro about the changes he wants regarding his personal data. The seller undertakes not to make public the user's email address and not to transmit it to third parties, unless otherwise required by law.
7.12. In the event that the user chooses knowingly or by mistake/ignorance to publish his own data, making it public and making it available to third parties, the responsibility rests entirely with the user, the Seller being exonerated from any blame.
7.13. By completing the registration form on the website, you declare that you agree that your name and personal data enter the database of the Seller (personal data operator no. 28948/2011), which reserves the right to process , publish, use for advertising, marketing and publicity actions the information mentioned above, without any other obligations and subsequent payments towards you.
7.14. The seller does not encourage SPAM, does not sell, does not offer or exchange e-mail addresses obtained through this site.
7.15. According to Law no. 677/2001, you benefit from the right of access, intervention on the data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to go to court. At the same time, you have the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning you and to request the deletion of the data. For any confusion regarding the exercise of your rights regarding the use of the site and the protection of use, please contact us through the "Contact" section of the site.
7.16. It is very important that your personal data are correct, as they are necessary for the smooth development of the entire order. Your refusal to provide us with these data leads to the impossibility of completing any order.
Please let us know as soon as possible if some of the data provided on the website www.zehava.ro are incorrect.
7.17. The seller does not assume responsibility for any loss of information that could be caused by defects or errors of the software with which the online store www.zehava.ro is designed and hosted, nor does it guarantee that the site, its server emails sent by www.zehava.ro do not contain viruses.
7.18. The commercial relations between the buyer and the seller are officially regulated by Government Ordinance 130/2000, regarding the protection of consumers when concluding and executing distance contracts.

8. Pricing and Billing

8.1. The prices of the Goods displayed on the website www.zehava.ro include VAT according to the legislation in force.
8.2. The price, payment method and payment term are specified in each Order. The Seller will issue an invoice to the Buyer for the Goods and Services delivered, the Buyer's obligation being to provide all the information necessary to issue the invoice in accordance with the legislation in force.
8.3. The Seller will send the Buyer the invoice related to the Order containing the Goods sold on the Site
8.4. For a correct communication of the invoice related to the Order, the Buyer has the obligation to update his Account data as often as necessary and to access the information and documents related to each Order, existing in the Account.
8.5. By sending the Order, the Buyer expresses his agreement to receive the invoices via electronic mail, to the e-mail address mentioned in his Account.
8.6. If you choose to pay cash on delivery (cash), you will be able to pay the agent who will deliver the products to you. For more details about payment, please visit the "Frequently Asked Questions" page.

9. Payment of products

9.1. Payment in the cash on delivery system - is made in full upon delivery of the order. In the case of delivery of products by couriers, payment will be made to the commissioner who makes the delivery.
The seller will issue an invoice to the buyer for the delivered goods, the buyer's obligation being to provide all the information necessary to issue the invoice according to the legislation in force.
9.2. Payment by bank transfer (payment order) - after sending the order, you will receive all the necessary information that must be entered on the payment order. The order is delivered only after the payment is confirmed. To speed up the process, please contact us and send us a copy after the payment order.
The seller will issue an invoice to the buyer for the delivered goods, the obligation
it is up to the buyer to provide all the information necessary to issue the invoice according to the legislation in force.

9.3. Online payment - you can pay online with your personal or company card, in complete safety conditions and you will be directed to the secure EuPlatesc.ro payment page. Payment by card is a safe method because your card data will not be stored by the processor, they are secured and encrypted.
This payment method allows transactions in RON. No additional commission is charged for transactions. Card data processing is done exclusively on EuPlatesc.ro servers. The security of your information is guaranteed by the fact that EuPlatesc.ro does not store your confidential card data, but sends it encrypted on a secure connection to the processor bank. This way your information is safe. Regardless of the currency you have in your account, transactions are made in lei, at the exchange rate of your bank. The EuPlatesc.ro system accepts cards issued under the VISA and MASTERCARD logos for payment.
To make the payment, you will enter your card number, the expiration date and the CVV2/CVC2 code (the last three digits written on the strip on the back, which also contains your signature). The seller will issue an invoice to the buyer for the delivered goods, the buyer's obligation being to provide all the information necessary to issue the invoice according to the legislation in force.
9.4 All prices on the website include VAT (19%), and the costs of transport are borne by the Seller

10. Delivery of products

10.1. The Seller undertakes to ship the Goods to the Buyer in a door-to-door courier system. At the moment of handing over the Goods to the courier company with which he collaborates, the Seller discharges himself from the risks and responsibilities associated with the Goods. The seller will ensure the proper packaging of the Goods and will ensure the transmission of the accompanying documents.
10.2. The Seller will deliver the Goods on the territory of Romania.
10.3. The delivery will be made within 24-48 hours, from the confirmation of the Order, excluding Saturdays and Sundays, as well as legal holidays.

11. Order Acceptance and Return of Goods

11.1 Acceptance will be made when the Goods comply with the Specifications mentioned in the Order. If the Buyer discovers that the delivered Goods do not conform to the Specifications, then the Seller will bring the Goods into conformity. Also, for the products sold and delivered by the Seller, the online store www.zehava.ro
11.2. The buyer benefits from returning the Goods within 30 days.
11.3. The Seller accepts the return of any Good, provided that the returned Good is not damaged, does not contain traces of use and is returned in its original packaging, also undamaged, with all documents included. If the product has damaged packaging or no packaging, then the product cannot be returned. 12.4. If you want to return a product, you must send us a notification by email.
11.5. The return costs will be fully borne by the Buyer, and the reimbursement of the product value will be made within 30 days of receiving the Good.

12. Warranties

12.1 All Goods sold by the Seller benefit from warranty certificates issued by the Seller.

13. Disputes and final dispositions

13.1 By using the website www.zehava.ro, the client declares his agreement that the Terms and Conditions listed above are in accordance with the Romanian laws in force.
13.2. If any other problem related to the Goods offered by the Seller is not present in the articles of this document, it will be solved amicably within 30 working days from the date of the written notification of the problems. If this solution is not possible, the conflict will be resolved in the court of the locality where the Seller has its headquarters.