The art of giving gifts

When choosing gifts for our loved ones, the task can sometimes be quite complicated, even when it comes to those we know intimately and closely.

A perplexing puzzle: we have to choose between things that they can buy themselves, that they would like, and yet put off buying. We wonder why they don't and get them themselves, maybe they don't have the time or maybe they don't think that the pair of emerald earrings is something that is needed right now.

The gift that encourages

I've noticed that when you give a successful gift, it often reveals something about the needs of the recipient. A well-chosen gift encourages. A black diamond ring, for example, can tell the recipient that she deserves such a treat and has every reason to shine. With a carefully chosen gift, we show our loved ones that we appreciate them for who they are, but also for who they will become.

The gift as a memory for generations

Some of the best gifts we've received serve as memories and artifacts, helping us record the most important moments of our lives. People forget a lot of things, but gifts work like miniature time machines and draw our attention to long-ago thoughts and ideas.

It is natural for life to take us away from old friends or important moments that fade with time. But through the gifts we choose, we also offer a renewed connection to parts of our lives.

Gifts elegantly symbolize the most important truths about us. A gift can represent in a physical way our ideas and thoughts for our loved ones, those that we cannot properly translate and that we find difficult to say. The best gifts accomplish something wonderful: they turn our aspirations into something real, tangible, in our everyday lives.

With this in mind, we create each individual jewel, visualizing how one day it will become someone's most beautiful object and embody their dreams and desires.
